
Love letters to Daddy

Dear Lexi,

Your heart is pure gold sweet girl and you are just filled with love. Tomorrow, Daddy is going to Florida for a golf trip with Dustin and Papa and you were feeling a little extra emotional about him being gone.

After putting Kate and William to bed, I come into our bedroom to find you curled up in our chair sulking but with a tinge of pride as you had used your banana grams to write Daddy a little message as well as write him a note.

You are just so thoughtful and sweet and I love how you go out of your way to make others feel good. As a terrible speller myself, I also appreciate how you spell the words just as they sound. Here is the letter deciphered:

‘I will miss you very much dad. I love you. Love, Lexi. PS Please say Hi to Grammy and Papa. Love, Lexi. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO (then there is a little picture of you that says ‘Me’. I miss you all ready. I love Dad. XOXOXOXO. You are the best dad in the whole wide world. XOXO Love, Lexi Sampson’

I will miss you very much dad.

I mean….how much sweeter can an 8-year-old get. Daddy is one lucky Dad to have a daughter like you be so thoughtful and someone who loves and misses him so much. And YOU are so blessed to have a Daddy who loves you as much as he does. He adores spending time with you, loves having special activities to do together, makes you laugh, silly jokes you guys have and projects you do together.

And I am so lucky to watch this special bond grow between you two.

Lexi, I pray that you never loose that genuine, thoughtfulness you have for those you love and you only continue to grow in your abilities to articulate and share those feelings with those you love. It sure is special and keeps your mom and dad swooning over you.



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