Kate, Kate monthly posts

Kate is 2!!

‘Night-night Oats,’ you yell down to William as we’re walking up the stairs to go to bed while waving excitedly. He barely pauses and responds, ‘Night, Kate. Love You.’ And you respond ‘Wuv you too’.

What an adventure these last two years have been. Watching you grow to adore your big brother and sister and watching their love grow for you has been my biggest joy. One of the first things you do when waking is ask for where Lexi or Oatsie is. You love to be with them, wrestle, play and pretend you are as big and mature as they are. Similarly, if they hear you talking in your room, they come and ask if they can get you out of bed. Lexi loves to read stories to you, regularly asks to have matching clothes and can’t WAIT for the two of your to share a room. William will stop whatever he is doing to give you hugs and kisses, loves to share snacks with you and is the most patient little 4-year-old to all of his creations you destroy. It is truly a joy to watch the three of you interact and love each other.


At two years old, your independence, stubbornness and knowing what you want are in full swing. You exercise each of these attributes multiple times a day. I’m not going to lie, it can be exhausting, and we cave in far more than we should because sometimes it is just easier. But it has gotten out of control, and we are being much more diligent to not just give you whatever you want because you’re throwing a tantrum. Praying this is just a phase and really doesn’t last all year long or worse throughout your entire childhood/teenage years.

You put up a fight around bed/nap time about half time. If you are putting up a fight, once we get to your room, you’re fine. If you can say goodnight to everyone, it usually helps avoid a melt down.

You’ve started to enjoy books and will actually listen to them some of the time. When we’re finished, you request to go lie in you bed. I’ll sing a couple songs to you and you’ll sing if you know the words to the songs (Twinkle Twinkle, Row Row Row your Boat, Baaa Black Sheep). Then, I request you to say, ‘I love you mommy’ and you respond Wuv u mommies. I walk out and then you’ll chat and move things around in there for up to an hour.


You take one nap for two to three hours most days, usually around 2:00. Lexi gets picked up from school around 1:30 and sometimes you fall asleep on the way home, but transfer very well into your bed.

For bedtime, you go to bed around 8:00-ish and (falling asleep around 9-ish) and then wake up around 7 am.

Taters, you love to eat. In fact, I would go so far to say you are obsessed with it. All Day. Long. constantly requesting to go into the food cabinet for ‘taaters AKA: Crackers. You love any and all cheese. Fruit is sent to you from the heavens above. And you could give two hoots about meat. You’re awesome at drinking from a regular cup and we almost never give you a sippy anymore, and you rarely spill. In fact you probably have spilt less than 5 times in total. You love eating with a fork and spoon and I can’t remember the last time we put a bib on you. You’ve even started to eat cereal with milk in it!


Baths are iffy. You love playing in them and will tolerate being cleaned, but the ONLY way you will cooperate is if you stand up and I poor water over your head to get your hair wet or the bubbles out. You 100% refuse to lie down on your back. Note to self: I really need to work on that with you this summer in the pool and boating.

You do this hilarious quiver when you get really excited or want something. You used to do it before you would get a bottle too so it isn’t new, but it hasn’t gone away and now you know that it is funny and you’ll sometimes fake it.

Being heard is not an issue you need to overcome. You figured out being kid number three does not mean you are forgotten about. You demand to be heard. like demand! I’m hoping it is just the age you are, but holy smokers. You will yell my name 6+ times in 10 seconds. I’ll have responded to all of them, but you just keep yelling ‘Mommies!!’


You are stubborn. You have your mind made up and you won’t even listen to someone else talk, just demand what you want. Lexi will come to say goodnight to you and you won’t have anything to do with her and push her away, but then William will come up and you’re all hugs and kisses with him. Then 5 minutes later, it has reversed. You will also throw the fit of all fits if Daddy tries to unbuckle you from your car seat when you want Mama to. Or heaven forbid I pick out the wrong pair of underwear.

“I do it!” you yell as I try and help you out of your carseat. The independence of a two-year-old is coming through. However, you can be very clingy. You love help or to hold my hand when you go downstairs and say, thank you mama and if I’m on the floor for some reason, you are climbing all over me. Nuzzling and giving me hugs but never sitting still for more than a few seconds.


As stubborn and opinionated as you may be, you are also pretty shy around new spaces and people. It takes you awhile to warm up and start talking in front of other people–even  your Grammy and Papa from time to time. You will rarely wave to people in store or never will answer anyone’s questions if they talk to you–you just bury your head into me and try and become invisible.

You know the different sounds of the different alarms to go pick up the big kids from school. When you hear one, you know you need to go put your shoes on to go see Badgers, or that you are going to pick up Lexi.


You can identify Mickey and the characters and request to watch it, but you’ve never really sat down and watch it or really any other kind of show. You are always moving. Where you’re going and what you’re doing is a mystery to all of us as you don’t ever sit down and play with toys or read books. You just wander, get into things, pick something up carry it to another room in the house and drop it.

Of all three kids, you win the golden star for the most goose eggs and bruises to the head. It is hard to find you without one it seems. You are always walking into the corner of tables or falling off something. You for sure have had more bumps to the head than the other two kids combined.


Things to do/toys

  • You LOVE LOVE LOVE to go on walks. It is one of the few times you’re quiet. You just sit and observe everything you see.
  • You love to go down the slide and call it ‘go weee’. You hate swings and request to get off the moment you’re on them.
  • Love to play with bubbles and draw with chalk
  • Chase after Lexi, William and ‘Lute’ in the backyard
  • Push your babies or ‘nonnies’ aka: bunny in your strollers
  • You have started to like to do puzzles and for the most part can figure out how to move the pieces around to get them to fit.


After our initial go at Potty training in April, I gave it another whirl over memorial weekend. You had diarrhea so it didn’t go quite to plan, but overall you got the concept and you did poop on the potty several times, which I think actually helped you learn how to do it. It didn’t happen over 3 days, but I kept at it and I haven’t put a diaper on you (outside of a nap/bedtime) for several weeks. Last week, we were up at the cabin with the Sampson’s and you didn’t have an accident the entire time–including the car ride. However, you will not go on any potty without your pink little seat–not at home and especially not out in public.

You are in size 4T clothing (and have been for a few months!!!), wear a size 7-8 shoe and weigh around 33 lbs. (You aren’t far behind your big brother as he is about 37 lbs and in 5T clothing, but still wears his 3Ts sometime).

Katelyn, you bring everyone in this family so much JOY! You are difficult and challenging and I’m terrified for what this will mean in 13 years, but encouraged to how you can leverage the strengths of your independence and stubbornness to your advantage. I love you SO much sweet pumpkin. You make everyone laugh and smile everyday and we just can’t get enough of our little taters. Happy 2nd Birthday!!!





Kate, Kate monthly posts

Kate 23 Months


As much as I dislike being away from while I am at work everyday, it sure feels good to hear you yell ‘Mommies’ and hear your two little feet stomping to run and meet me and dive into my arms. You light up when you hear the garage door open and are ecstatic to see me everyday. And the feeling is mutual. I love coming home to such a happy and excited little munchkin.

I’m going to keep this update pretty short and will go into more depth in your two (tear) post.


You talk more and more everyday. You articulate words better, attempt more words and string simple sentences together, for example ‘I go weeeee’ (meaning you want to go down the slide) or ‘I want it’ (which is used VERY frequently)

You are obsessed with being outside and are on the go more than your brother and sister. Always moving, climbing over us, requesting to eat or getting into something (i.e. markers)

Kate 23 months 2

You and your brother are really starting to build quiet the bond. You two just click and make each other laugh. You get into all of your brothers stuff and although he gets frustrated, he almost never takes it out on you and just loves you to pieces.

Kate 23 months 1

You request to go potty about half the time and have pooped several times on the potty so I think I’m going to give the training another go in the next few weeks.

Thats it for this month. Look for a novel next month as I drown my sorrows in writing my last monthly post….



Kate, Kate monthly posts

Kate 22 Months


I am so grateful to have spent six whole days with just you, Grammy and Papa. What a treat it was to have special one-on-one time with you and for you to have lots of one-on-one time with your Grammy and Papa. At the end of March you and I hoped onto a plane to Florida to have another special visit with Grammy and Papa. We had the best time!! You played in the sand, we went for walks on the beach and around the resort, you went to a park for the first time and lots of swimming. Mommy even golfed several times with Papa and enjoyed some relaxation in the sun while you napped. I can’t think of another time in your short almost-two-years of life where I have had so much quality time with just you. And let me tell you, you soaked it up too. You were all ‘mommies mommies mommies’ in everything you did, while still enjoying lots of hugs, snuggles and giggles with Grammy and Papa. For the most part, you did really well on the plane rides. You didn’t sleep a wink on the way down, even thought we didn’t get there until after 11 pm! You were a little wiggly  but it really helped having the flights be broke up into two short stretches. But it was your last free ride…from now on we’re going to have to pony up the cash to take you places.

kate 22 months fl 1kate 22 months fl 2Kate 22 months FL 3kate 22 months FL 4kate 22 months fl 5

Your trips to Florida over the past two months have developed an obsession for walks. You call the stroller ‘babies’ and constantly beg to go for walks. You climb in and sit content as a little buttercup as we push you around. You probably went on 2+ walks a day while in Florida.

You’ve also shown lots of signs for being ready to ditch the diapers. In fact, while in Florida, you pooped in your diaper while in your pack’n play but didn’t want to sit in it while you napped so you took it off and put it in the corner. You would tell us after you peed and would go get a diaper and wipes and say ‘change’. So about two weeks after Florida, we had an uneventful weekend so I thought I would give the whole potty-training a whirl. We took of the diapers and let your toosh run free. You had two tiny accidents but were able to catch them pretty quickly and get to the potty, in which you peed on two or three times the first day. You had many many more false alarms where you told us you needed to go, but the moment you were on the can, you told us you wanted to get up. However, you didn’t poop at all. Later that evening, you pooped in your diaper twice as we were out and about. Day two, you pretty much peed on the potty every time, but still no poop. This proceeded for about a week–except you would poop the moment a pair of underwear would go on or someone would turn their back. After about two weeks and zero successful poops on the potty, we went back to diapers. For the most part, you keep your diapers dry and tell us when you need to go to the potty and are starting to get the hang of pooping on the potty, but are still more comfortable in a diaper, so maybe in another two weeks we’ll give it a try.

kate 22 months 3

One of my other favorite things this month is you singing songs. During bedtime, we’ll lie on the bed together and you’ll sing Twinkle Twinkle with me or Row Row your Boat. You can barely say the words, but you get a couple of them here and there and it is the sweetest to hear your little voice.

While you love to look at books before bedtime, you really dislike actually listening to the story. You pretty much always have a different book that you are looking at while I read another one. You love to look at ‘Goodnight Moon’, the baby body’s book, Colorful Monsters and the animals book.

Kate 22 months 1

You do not have once ounce of patience in your little body. You yell and demand to be listened to right away. I’ll be making dinner and you’ll come in and move my legs so I’m facing you and can pay attention to you instead of facing the counter. You’ll say ‘mommies’ and if I don’t respond within a half a second, you are yelling ‘MMMMOOMMIES’

kate 22 months 4

You are saying more and more words and stringing phrases together. It is so fun to hear your little voice and be able to communicate with you.

kate 22 months 2

You celebrated your 2nd Easter and were all about the egg hunts and candy, my sweet tooth.

kate 22 months easter 2kate 22 months easter 1

As demanding as you can be, you’re also my sweetest shadow. You brighten my days with your huge grins and big hugs everyday when I get home from work. I love you to pieces Katers.



Kate, Kate monthly posts

Kate 21 Months

Dear Katers,

I’m afraid we may be entering the terrible twos a bit early, which is new territory for me as I don’t feel like Lexi and William really experienced this. You fall apart into an angry little snake if you don’t get something your way. For example, you’ll want a bowl instead of a plate or I say no to a snack right before dinner.


I’m not sure if you’re going to be feisty, or if you’re just almost two and that is just what kids this age due. Time will tell. BUT, you did get into markers several times this month. Lexi and William leave them out and you climb onto things, grab one, run off and then color over the carpet, furniture or the walls. For the most part, the markers have all been washable so they have been pretty easy to clean, except for this one where you found the one non-washable marker we have and drew all over the wall.


I’ve noticed you have huge swings in personality. At one moment you’ll be in a store waving to people, shrugging your shoulders and putting on a huge cuteness show. Then 3 minutes later you are giving people the death glare and won’t make eye contact.

kate angry face

You’re also showing a strong affinity to me. And by strong I mean nobody else can look or talk to you without a snarl when you are in a mood.

I also think you’re very close to potty training. You almost always tell me when you’ve pooped and want to be changed immediately. You’ll run over and get wipes and a diaper to let me know we need to take care of this situation. Over the past couple of days, you’ll announce to me either while you’re going or right after you’ve gone that you’re peeing. You say poop, but there is nothing there–just a wet diaper. So hopefully in the next couple of months we can ‘see-ya’ later to diapers.

Vocab continues to grow; Tate (aka Kate), Badger, sure, grammy, milk, turtle, fish, blue (and can identify the color often too)

At the beginning of the you’re month, we took a family vaca to Florida. After lots of flight drama, we ended up in Orlando so we spent a day in Disney and then drove to PCB to stay with Grammy and Papa for the rest of our time. You did really good on the planes and surprised me by falling asleep.

Kate 21 Months traveling 1Kate travel 2Kate Disney

You also really love to play at the beach. You could have sat there and filled buckets with sand for hours. The weather wasn’t great, so we didn’t swim as much as I would have liked, but you did do OK in the pool–still refuse to lay on your back, but we’ll keep working on it. By far, your favorite thing to do was go for walks. You begged to go and  love sitting in the stroller (which you call it babies)

Kate Sand

Katelyn Ann, you challenge your Daddy and I everyday with your constant requests to eat, hanging and climbing all over us and lack of patience to get exactly what you want when you want it, but you have both of us wrapped around your chunky little fingers more than you can every understand. You flash that cute little smile and twinkle your eyes and we have forgotten how tiring you can be. We love you to bits sweet girl.

Kate smiling


Mommies (as you like to call me)

kate eating

Kate, Kate monthly posts

Kate 19 months

Dear Kate, 

This was a VERY uneventful month, and my lack of pictures are proof of that. I’ve got a bit of the January blues going on, but Florida is 1 month away so at least there is something to look forward to. 

Everyone had some icky colds this month. You got it twice. But, I’m convinced our usage of essential oils dramatically reduced the severity and length of our symptoms. So grateful I gave these things a try. 


Your top two eye teeth cut through the skin, and you were a hot mess for a couple of days with that, but now that those are through, our silly babbling little Katers is back. 


Your comprehension and vocab get a little better everyday. When we has you to stop, or to sit down or to give something back, you actually listen. 

Words: mama, dada, baby, hot, please, sis-a, bro-a, wow, NO, yeah, up, baa (ball) (and I’m sure there are more that I can’t remember. But your favorite is Poop. Your big siblings ask you to say it all the time and you happily oblige. 

You had your first-ish experience with snow this month and you weren’t too impressed. 


You love to push your baby in the stroller, read books, get into whatever your brother and sister are playing, eat, snuggle with bunny, wear sunglasses, carry things from one part of the house and deposit them in another location, wearing footie jammies (you call them mammies), roll oils on your chest and make your brother and sister laugh. 

You hate baths. Like really hate them a lot–particularly washing up. You refuse to lay down or have a major freak out if we poor water on your head. 






Kate, Kate monthly posts

Kate 18 Months


You have made up a silly little game and you love to play it with Dada. It’s pretty simple, you yell, ‘Da-da’ and he responds wherever he is in the house, ‘Kate-Kate’ and then it repeats. But it will honestly get repeated 20 to 40 times. Occasionally, you’ll throw a ‘Where-are-you’ (which you pronounce as whe-ah-ya) into the mix but for the most part you guys just like to call back and forth to each other. It is very sweet.


This was a big milestone month where I noticed lots of changes. The biggest change was you started nodding you head yes when I ask you a question. Do you want milk? and you nod yes and walk to the fridge. Seriously, this is a game changer as it is less of a guessing game of what you really want, because you’re always ‘peas-ing’ for something.

You’ve started to say a lot more words this month too: Dada, Mama, hot (aht), up, uh-oh, wow, bubble, bowl, baby, ball and poop. Some of these are more distinguishable than others, but we all know what you’re saying.


You had a rough cold at the beginning of the month and also popped your bottom two eye teeth through. As soon as your teeth were through, we took away your pacifier and you didn’t even notice. With the removal of the paci, you have become much more attached to Bunny. You always want him to come out of your crib with you and you get SO excited when you see him. You’ll run over to him with this big smile and just snuggle and nuzzle him like crazy.

IMG_2683-COLLAGEYou’re now officially transitioned out of the two naps and will sleep for 2.5-3.5 hours every afternoon. Many days, you’ll fall asleep on the way home from getting Lexi, but you do a good job transitioning to your bed. After nap time or even in the morning, you’ll often play in your crib and babble to your stuffed animals for a good 20 minutes.


You’ve also become much more affectionate and snuggly with me. After reading books at night, we lie in bed and sing Christmas songs and you always find my hand and take it to rub your belly and will just lay and snuggle (and have even fallen asleep a couple of times). You also will just come and give me hugs in the middle of playing for no reason.


You’re also showing a bit of a stubborn streak with a temper built in–deadly combination. You will throw a cup or food if it isn’t what you wanted and sometime putting clothes or a jacket on you is like dressing jello. You are squirming and whinning all over the place.

Your big sibs are passing their love for footie jammies onto you as you point to them in your closet and will pull them off the hanger and beg to have them put on. But you love to accessorize. I put a cute little outfit on and you waddled into Lexi’s room and pointed to her necklaces and demanded to wear one. I gave you one that you didn’t want and you threw it on the ground. scary behavior for an 18 month old if you ask me.


Happenings this month:

  • Decorated the the house for Christmas and you did really well and didn’t really touch any of the ornaments or the tree.
  • We visited Santa and you HATED him. Classic pic!
  • You loved seeing all the Christmas lights everywhere.
  • You loved Thanksgiving dinner–especially the rolls and Grandma Terri’s Raspberry Jello salad.
  • You are also a sweet tooth. You loved taste-testing cookie dough and frosting but could take or leave the finished cookie

Nicknames: Kate, Katers, Kate-Kate, Katers-the-taters, Taters, Getty

My sweet babes, this past year and a half have been the hardest, most exauhsting, but utterly fabulous, priceless time of my life. I love every little inch of every part of you and your big personality. I’m so grateful to have you and am SO excited to watch you grow over the next 6 months.








Kate, Kate monthly posts

Kate 17 Months


If your love for shoes is any indication of the future, we’re in trouble girl! You love to get them out of your bin and bring them to mama or dada to be put on. You also regularly put on your brother and sister’s shoes and clomp around.


You still love food and demand to feed yourself with a fork and spoon. You also regularly pull on my legs and outright push my body to face you so you can point to the cupboard, rub your belly and say ‘peees’. Thankfully, you’re also obsessed with brushing your teeth. You carry toothbrushes and toothpaste around on the reg and beg to have the toothpaste opened.


You also love to look at books (especially the touch and feel ones) and if mama or dada read really fast, we can usually get through a book without you ripping it out of our hands.


Your brother and sister continue to be your fav buds. You love to chase them around the house and all giggle and scream ear-shattering pitches.


You had your 2nd Halloween, you were a sweet little piggy and hated everything about it. You hated the costume, the hat on your head, the pictures–everything. The only thing you did enjoy was waving to the other trick-or-treaters that would come to the house.



  • You climb up the slide and say ‘weee’ when you go down.
  • You climb up and down couches and off of our bed, which is pretty high
  • You say the word ‘that’ as in, ‘what’s that’
  • You love to play peek-a-boo. You cover your hands over your face and pull them and yell ‘P-a-boo’ and die in laughter
  • You pooped on the potty a couple of times now. I’ll catch you mid-poop and run you up and sit you on the potty and you’ll finish. So it isn’t like you’re really going, but the fact that you will actually poop while sitting feels like a win in my book, especially after the epic potty training battles of William.
  • You’re starting wear 3T clothing as that belly keeps popping through on your 2T outfits and are in size 5 diapers
  • You despise the bath as you don’t like to lay down and get your hair wet

Katers, we love you so much. We love watching you grow, learn, laugh and develop strong relationships with your brother and sister.




Kate, Kate monthly posts

Kate 16 Months


My heart sank when I received a text from Grammy about how sad you were when Daddy, Lexi and William left without you. I was out in LA for a work trip and Daddy and the two big kids met me out their for a fairly impromptu trip to Disneyland while you got to spend some one-on-one time with Grammy and Papa. When Daddy dropped you off at their house and then proceeded to leave with the two big kids, you waddled over to your gold shoes, jacket and brought them to Grammy fully anticipating to leave with everyone. And when you didn’t I think you kind of went into a mini depression. Grammy said you spent a lot of time with your Paci and snuggling your bunny and barely ate a darn thing (which is always an indication for you that something isn’t quite right) and just weren’t yourself. I’m sorry sweet girl. I didn’t mean to make you so sad and feel terrible, but it is good to know how much you love us. And don’t you worry, this was just a quick little trip that you wouldn’t have gotten anything out of and I promise, we will go take a big trip to DisneyWorld when you are about Lexi’s age.


This month, you really learned how to clearly articulate Dada and call for him ALL of the time. There have also been a few instances where I can tell you’re trying to say ‘where are you?’ based on the inflection of your voice but no words on that yet. You have said Mama a couple of times, but don’t do it regularly.


You also know when you shouldn’t be doing something. For instance, William was going to the bathroom and you went to peek into the back part of the potty, but stopped looked at me and shook your head no.

You also understand direction like, ‘go get your shoes, or sit down, or come here’. You have mastered going down stairs on your tummy and slide a fast as a racehorse down them (thank goodness for footie jammie season so your tummy isn’t full of rug burns)


As much as you like to move around all the time, you also have this incredibly sweet and nurturing side of you. You love to snuggle with pals and blankets or if William is snuggling with me or just laying down, you regularly come over and start gently rubbing his back or his hair to show your genuine affection towards him.


Other events/favorites

  • We went to Uncle Dustin’s families Apple Orchard and learned that you can eat and apple whole (without it being cut up, peel and all)
  • Your favorite activity is to go into my cosmetic drawer or the find the big kid’s toothbrushes and carry things around the house and then drop it in the most random places. You love to put bottles or containers of toothpaste in your mouth and walk around with them in your hatch
  • We got rid of the rocking chair and the changing table this month and moved the single bed into your room and you seem to like reading/snuggling a tinch more than you did in the rocking chair, so it feels like a good decision.
  • Nicknames: William still calls you Beetle most of the time, but we do call you Kate a lot or Katers, which has turned into Katers-the-taters, or just taters







Kate, Kate monthly posts

Kate 15 Months

Dear Katers,

You have established one of the best laughs I have ever heard. It sounds like a machine gun but in the funniest way possible. People hear it, stop what they are doing to look or comment because it is so funny and it just makes everyone want to smile and laugh too. It is so awesome.

And it has really helped to have something to smile and laugh about this month as it was a tough one. Your Great Grandma T. passed away this month. You didn’t get to know her very well, but she was joyful, accepting, giving, kind, loved being around people and laughing and was always so grateful for everything she had. She touched so many people’s lives and we are all going to miss her a lot. I have no doubt she will continue to watch over you and bless you with some of her wonderful traits.


Thankfully, we were able to get out on Papa’s boat two times this month to relax and enjoy some good quality time together despite all of the sadness of Grandma T. You absolutely loved just sitting in the sand filling your bucket as the water gently washed over your toys. I was very surprised that you never tried to eat the sand but were very content just playing around. You also do this amazing thing of taking a nap on the boat. We lay you down on one of the seats, give you your paci and bunny and put a little blanket over the top of the chair to make a little tent, turn the sound machine on, and you fall right asleep among everyone else moving and chatting around you. Remarkable. neither Lexi or William would have ever done that.




Other development notes:

  • You now wave your hand side-to-side instead of wiggling your fingers
  • You officially learned to walk this month and quick crawling
  • You guzzle milk in a sippy cup like a crazy woman. Seriously, girl. You love it.
  • You discovered how to open drawers and cupboards this month and it is a new favorite pastime. You love to take out every cup, bowl and plate we have and leave them all over the kitchen/living room. Occasionally, you’ll put them back in, but most of the time you just like to take things out. You also LOVE to go into my drawer in the bathroom and play with my bobby pins, clips, deodorant, makeup, face lotion, traveling size Listerine bottle, and toothpaste. It is rare to find you without a tube of toothpaste sticking outside of your mouth. (the cap is on).
  • You’ve pretty much quick doing any kind of baby sign and will just grunt like crazy when you want something.
  • We kind of took your paci away this month. You’ve always only ever had it when you sleep and we started to not give it to you during naps, but then you’ll be really crabby and we give it to you, so that is more on us about being consistent.

I think it is amazing at how much you look like Lexi and William. You have the same complexion and face shape as Lexi, but you have William’s big eyes, and I think you are going to be more similar to William from a personality standpoint, but we will see.


Another big thing that happened this month was Lexi began kindergarten and William started preschool. You and William have much more time together and it is fun to watch how your relationship has evolved. He loves being big brother and trying to teach you how to play in the way that Lexi has taught him to play. It is also a different dynamic to for you to just be home with Daddy while he is at school. Dada says your kind of a lost puppy with out the big kids there to follow around and you need much more attention.

Happy 15 months big girl. Another month in the books. So crazy to think that in 9 months you’ll be two and will be talking and MAYBE, just MAYBE even ready to potty-train!?!?!

Love you sweet girl,


Kate, Kate monthly posts

Kate 14 Months

Dear Kate,

Your personality has come through loud and proud this month! You love to be in the middle of all the chaos of big brother and sister. You want to be where they are and you want your voice to be heard. You babble a lot, and whine a lot, both with a high volume. There is a lot to compete with so I get it but wow is it loud in our house.

You’re also a bit of a flirt. You wave to anyone you see in the grocery store, as cars drive by or as you are in the car waving to others. If someone makes eye contact, you scrunch your face to your shoulder and give them a $1000 grin.

You took your first steps this month but still prefer to crawl. You were a bit of a stinker and took them while Mommy and Dada were on a trip in Los Angeles. You had taken a step here and a step there before, but never 5-10 in a row like you did with Grammy and Papa.

Eating is a funny and stressful adventure with you. You love any and all food, but your favorite is really fruit. Every time you sit down to eat, it is a mad-dash to find enough food to fill you up. I’ll give you a handful of food, turn around to finish getting everyone else’s meal ready and you grunting for more. I have to raid the cupboards and fridge to find something to fill that growing belly and it never feels like enough. You also are very thirsty. You will easily down an entire sippy in a meal and we’ll refill it several times between each meal as well.

This month you had your first real adventure with Grammy and Papa. Mom and Dad went on a little trip to California so you and Lexi and William spent some good quality time with Grammy and Papa. Papa really worked on walking with you and this is where it sorta started to click for you.

Loves: Swimming, peek-a-boo (you now put your hands over your eyes), clapping, laughing at what the other kids are laughing about, throwing your cup off tray, waving

Dislikes: Bath, actually listenting to books, snuggling, sitting still

words: num-a-num-anum, mama, dada, papa, uh-oh

You climb up stairs really well, which for the most part is great. The most challenging thing about that is you also want to climb up the bunkbed stairs which are very steep, wood and have no railing or safety and I’m terrified of you falling off them or getting up on the top bunk and then falling off.

You understand the word no, and will shake your head when you are doing something you knows you shouldn’t, like throwing food off your tray.

Surprisingly, the kids small toys like legos, shopkins haven’t been a problem even though they are EVERYWHERE. You do pick them up and put them in your mouth and suck on them, as soon as we notice, we’ll say, what do you have in your mouth? You open up and spit it out.

No changes on nap schedule. It is still 2 times a day for about two hours each time.

Two of my favorite parts are the day are when I get home from work. You get so excited. You wave your arms around uncontrollably like a silly little monkey and open your mouth as wide as a crocodile. It is just the best.

Then, at bedtime, I always attempt to read you a couple of books, which you pretty much have zero interest in and just climb out of the chair. BUT, when it is time for bed, I’ll get your blankie, bunny and a paci and as soon as I turn off the light you start babbling or singing. We sit down in the rocking chair and sing Twinkle Twinkle and you sing (make noises mimicking singing) with me. I can usually sing about two songs before you start squirming and want to move. As a non-smuggler, I cherish these brief moments of stillness with you to just love and appreciate you and how lucky I am to be your mom.

And maybe, just maybe you might grow back into the snuggles again.



Sorry, no pictures, this month. Something happened to my computer