Lexi, Pregnancy Updates

34 Weeks

Dear Lil’ Peanut,

You are now 34 weeks along and gaining more weight. You’re measuring right on schedule, but Dr. G thinks you’re going to weigh at least 8.5 lbs. when you’re born. You’re supposed to be close to 18 inches long and weigh almost 5 lbs. right now. Even with all your growth, I still feel you moving around a lot. Sometimes it feels like you’re trying to tickle me or that I can feel your hands and toes wiggling. You’re also stretching out more and once or twice a day I can feel your little feet under my rib bones. During the past two weeks, I gained the most weight compared to any other visits, 6 lbs. in two weeks, which brings me to a grand total of 24 lbs.! Not bad, but not great either. My goal is to stay under 30 lbs.

This week I also started swelling. My fingers are too swollen to wear my rings and my shoes are getting pretty tight. I’m not sure if my feet are swelling or if they’re starting to ‘grow’ bigger (Grandma B’s feet ‘grew’ 1/2 a size for every kid). The heartburn has also gotten much more aggressive. For whatever reason, its the worst at night just as I’m going to bed. A couple of tums usually doe the trick, but I’m careful to keep my head above my chest to prevent the acid from creeping up. Sleep has also gotten much more difficult. I wake up from hip pain several times throughout the night, in which I also go to the bathroom.

My back is much more sore too. Last night after I picked up Grandma and Grandpa B from the airport, I sat in the hot tub and it felt great. I’m not sure why, but throughout the entire pregnancy I craved going swimming or having my body submerged in water.

In addition to all of the other wonderful pregnancy symptoms, I may or may not have restless leg syndrome. About one night a week, I just can’t sleep, my legs just need to be rubbed or touched. I’ve found that keeping lotion on my feet helps prevent this. I also try and remember to stretch everyday as that seems to help my body feel better too. So many fun things my body gets to experience because of you.

Last Thursday we also had our first baby shower for you. I have 3 more showers that we’ve been very busy getting the house ready for. Daddy has been busy working in the living room getting the fireplace project finished. Last weekend we worked really long hours and made really good progress. Next step is putting the stone on the wall! We’re also working on putting some of the finishing touches on your nursery. We have most of it done, but just need to cut, paint and apply the dots to the wall.

Finally, in two days, Daddy is getting lasik surgery! He is pretty excited about it and I’m so happy that he is going to have it done. I’ve been praying that the procedure will go smoothly and there won’t be any complications, so if you can say an extra prayer for your Daddy that would be great!

I still think you’re a boy and Daddy thinks you’re a girl so no new thoughts there. I do think that you may arrive a little earlier than your due date. Whenever I read about side affects for this time, I feel like I’m a week ahead of what they are reporting. But now I feel that I’ve said that I think you might arrive a little early, you’ll probably arrive late. Either way will be fine, I just pray you’re healthy!

Love, Mom

Lexi, Pregnancy Updates

34 Weeks

Dear Little Peanut,

You are now 34 weeks along and gaining more weight. You’re measuring right on schedule, but the doctor thinks you’re going to be at least 8.5 lbs. when you’re born. You’re supposed to be close to 18 inches long and weigh almost 5 lbs. right now. Even thought you’re getting so big, I still feel you moving around a lot. Sometimes it feels like you’re trying to tickle me or that I can feel your hands and toes wiggling. You’re also trying to stretch out more and usually once or twice a day I can feel your little feet stretching out under my ribs.

I also gained the most weight in the past two weeks compared to any of my other visits, 6 lbs. in two weeks, which brings me to a grand total of 24 lbs. Not bad, but not great either. My goal is to stay under 30 lbs.

This week I also started swelling. My fingers have gotten to large to wear my rings and some of my shoes are pretty tight. I’m not sure if my feet are swelling or if they’re starting to ‘grow’ bigger. We’ll find out after you arrive! The heartburn has also gotten much worse. I need to be very careful that I keep my head above my chest when I bend over to prevent acid from creeping through. Sleep has also gotten much more difficult. I wake up from hip pain several times throughout the night. Usually, one of those times i’ll go to the bathroom too. My back is also starting to become much more sore. Last night after I picked up Grandma and Grandpa Bothwell from the airport, I sat in the hot tub and it felt Am-Azing. Thankfully, the temp is still low enough for me to go in. I’m not sure if I have restless leg syndrome or not, but there is usually one night during the week where I just can’t sleep. I’ve found that keeping lotion on my feet helps prevent this. I also try and remember to stretch everyday as that seems to help my body feel better too. So many fun things my body gets to experience because of you.

Last Thursday we also had our first baby shower with the Sampsons. We went out to dinner at Maple Tavern and everyone was very generous in gifts for you. I have 3 more showers coming and we’ve been very busy getting the house ready for the. Daddy has been busy working in the family room getting the fireplace project all finished. Last weekend we worked really hard. Today he is working on putting up the stone on the wall and then it is just finishing touches, which I’m very excited about! We’re also working on putting some of the finishing touches on your nursery. We have most of it done, but just need to cut, paint and apply the dots to the wall.

In two days, your dad is getting lasik surgery! He is pretty excited about it and I’m so happy that he is going to have it done. I’ve been praying that the procedure will go smoothly and there won’t be any complications, so if you can say an extra prayer for your Daddy! I still am thinking that you’re a boy and Daddy thinks you’re a girl so no maybe news there. I do think that you may arrive a little earlier than your due date. Whenever I read about side affects for this time, I feel like I’m a week ahead of what they are reporting. But now I feel that I’ve said that I think you might arrive a little early, you’ll probably arrive late. Either way will be fine, I just pray you’re healthy!

Love, Mom

Lexi, Pregnancy Updates

32 Weeks

Dear Little Peanut,

We’re quickly approaching the 32-week mark and I can’t believe it. All of the sudden this week you became more real. For the past 30 weeks I’ve been looking forward to your arrival, but it felt so far away, and now it’s within reaching distance. It’s crazy to think that you could be here in 8 weeks, that’s the same amount of time we had to wait from conception to our first doctor’s appointment when we saw your little heartbeat pumping up and down on the screen. And your heart has grown quite strong since that appointment 24 weeks ago. I’m reminded many times throughout the day just how real you are with all of your little movements.

In the past week or so, I’ve been able to distinguish and feel different parts of your body moving. I notice when the little hands are paddling you around inside and can feel your little feet pushing under my ribs as you stretch out. When you roll over, I can feel your knees pressing against my stomach and can anticipate when you’re going to move again. I’m pretty sure you are head down, and think I can feel your butt from time to time. I can also usually tell if you’re on the left side or the right side of my belly. Although your daddy feels your movements from the outside I really wish he could feel you moving on the inside and how wonderful it is to be reminded of you several times throughout the day. You’re just over 3 lbs. this week and about 17 inches long. Daddy and I haven’t been very good about taking regular pictures of you growing in my tummy, but we’ll try and get better these next couple of weeks.

Overall, I’m feeling pretty good. I still have a little bit of kidney pain but it isn’t too bad. Sleep hasn’t been awful either. My hip muscles get really tight from sleeping on my side, but I’ve been trying to stretch regularly and that helps. And usually, I only need to get up once a night to go to the bathroom. I feel beautiful carrying you around and am still below the expected weight gain, which I feel great about. I still think you are a boy, but Daddy is wavering a little and thinks you might be a girl. I have another Dr. appointment on Friday, and now they start occurring every 2 weeks for another month and then every week for the last month. I’m mentally preparing for you to arrive well past your due date, but I kind of feel like I’m ahead of schedule on many symptoms and that you might arrive early. Either way, we are very excited to meet you! I even practiced signing our family’s new names together.

Love, Mom