Kate, Kate monthly posts

Kate 22 Months


I am so grateful to have spent six whole days with just you, Grammy and Papa. What a treat it was to have special one-on-one time with you and for you to have lots of one-on-one time with your Grammy and Papa. At the end of March you and I hoped onto a plane to Florida to have another special visit with Grammy and Papa. We had the best time!! You played in the sand, we went for walks on the beach and around the resort, you went to a park for the first time and lots of swimming. Mommy even golfed several times with Papa and enjoyed some relaxation in the sun while you napped. I can’t think of another time in your short almost-two-years of life where I have had so much quality time with just you. And let me tell you, you soaked it up too. You were all ‘mommies mommies mommies’ in everything you did, while still enjoying lots of hugs, snuggles and giggles with Grammy and Papa. For the most part, you did really well on the plane rides. You didn’t sleep a wink on the way down, even thought we didn’t get there until after 11 pm! You were a little wiggly  but it really helped having the flights be broke up into two short stretches. But it was your last free ride…from now on we’re going to have to pony up the cash to take you places.

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Your trips to Florida over the past two months have developed an obsession for walks. You call the stroller ‘babies’ and constantly beg to go for walks. You climb in and sit content as a little buttercup as we push you around. You probably went on 2+ walks a day while in Florida.

You’ve also shown lots of signs for being ready to ditch the diapers. In fact, while in Florida, you pooped in your diaper while in your pack’n play but didn’t want to sit in it while you napped so you took it off and put it in the corner. You would tell us after you peed and would go get a diaper and wipes and say ‘change’. So about two weeks after Florida, we had an uneventful weekend so I thought I would give the whole potty-training a whirl. We took of the diapers and let your toosh run free. You had two tiny accidents but were able to catch them pretty quickly and get to the potty, in which you peed on two or three times the first day. You had many many more false alarms where you told us you needed to go, but the moment you were on the can, you told us you wanted to get up. However, you didn’t poop at all. Later that evening, you pooped in your diaper twice as we were out and about. Day two, you pretty much peed on the potty every time, but still no poop. This proceeded for about a week–except you would poop the moment a pair of underwear would go on or someone would turn their back. After about two weeks and zero successful poops on the potty, we went back to diapers. For the most part, you keep your diapers dry and tell us when you need to go to the potty and are starting to get the hang of pooping on the potty, but are still more comfortable in a diaper, so maybe in another two weeks we’ll give it a try.

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One of my other favorite things this month is you singing songs. During bedtime, we’ll lie on the bed together and you’ll sing Twinkle Twinkle with me or Row Row your Boat. You can barely say the words, but you get a couple of them here and there and it is the sweetest to hear your little voice.

While you love to look at books before bedtime, you really dislike actually listening to the story. You pretty much always have a different book that you are looking at while I read another one. You love to look at ‘Goodnight Moon’, the baby body’s book, Colorful Monsters and the animals book.

Kate 22 months 1

You do not have once ounce of patience in your little body. You yell and demand to be listened to right away. I’ll be making dinner and you’ll come in and move my legs so I’m facing you and can pay attention to you instead of facing the counter. You’ll say ‘mommies’ and if I don’t respond within a half a second, you are yelling ‘MMMMOOMMIES’

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You are saying more and more words and stringing phrases together. It is so fun to hear your little voice and be able to communicate with you.

kate 22 months 2

You celebrated your 2nd Easter and were all about the egg hunts and candy, my sweet tooth.

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As demanding as you can be, you’re also my sweetest shadow. You brighten my days with your huge grins and big hugs everyday when I get home from work. I love you to pieces Katers.




Light switches

“Doooddl, Dooooddl” I wonder what the heck Kate is trying to say as I’m putting clothes away. I keep going about my business, but she keeps repeating herself and looking at one object so clearly she isn’t just babbling…so I stop for a moment to try and figure out what she is saying, and it dawns on me. She is trying to talk to our Google home, and is saying, “Google” I pull out my phone to record this epic moment and then continue with the laundry. As I’m hanging cloths, I’m thinking about the situation that just unfolded and think about the implications; there is a good chance that this kiddo will live in a world without light switches (one of the main things we use the Google Home for in our bedroom). This blows my mind a little. How could my own child grow up in a lifetime that has lights that are only voice or motion activated? This technology advancement seems so future state, but is it really? Considering smart lights and voice activated devices weren’t even a thing when Lexi was born…the adoption of this technology over the next 5 years could mean Kate may very well live in a world without light switches. Small concept, but kind of mind blowing at the same time.


