
Baby #3 25 Weeks

Dear Nugs,

Last weeks monthly check in went well. I took and passed my gestational diabetes test and am so glad I’ll never take one of those again! You were busy moving around in there so it took a while to find your heart beat but you were fluctuating between 146 and 152 beats per minute and are measuring right on track! Other than that, not a whole lot going on. Daddy has been busy working on the bunk beds and I was busy taking care of the two other nuggets.

Size of Baby: You are the size of a rutabaga. Approximately 9 inches and 1.7 lbs

baby bump 3 25 weeks

The Bump: Daddy and I attended a wedding over the weekend. I attempted to wear a regular dress and it just felt too tight, so I pulled out a new maternity one and threw on a blazer to dress it up a little. It’s interesting how the bottom photo makes the bump look a little pointy.

Cravings/Aversions: nope nada! I’ve kind of had an upset stomach for the past week or so. Nothing sounds good, but nothing sounds terrible either. So just not eating a whole lot and sticking to pretty bland foods.

What I’m anticipating: Moving forward with the bunk beds. Daddy has made a lot of progress in the actual build of the beds and then it is my job to finish them. The big kids are heading to the cabin with Grandma and Grandpa for the weekend so hopefully we can get a lot done this weekend! Looks like lots of sanding and painting are in my future!

Miss anything: Nope

Worries: Not to much

Differences between pregnancies: With Lexi, the kidney issues I had improved, I was still in pain, but it was managable. I also traveled to Austin Texas for a photo shoot and it was like 90% humidity and 100+ degrees, which right now sounds amazing! With William, we had just gotten over colds, sleep seems to be fairly similar. Also noted that we had a boy name picked out but no girl name, just a few we kind of like–so same story here.

How I’m feeling: Overall, I have nothing to complain about and am in the sweet spot of pregnancy!

Sleep: This is all over the board. I have good nights and bad nights. Some nights I toss and turn a lot, other nights I wake in the middle of the night or early in the morning. I do feel bad that all my movement isn’t helping daddy sleep very well

Movement: Lots of movement. You get stronger every day! Lexi loves to feel you kicking around!

Milestones: I think this is the week of viability. IF something were to happen, you would have a good chance of surviving. Lots of hard work and complications, but you would likely survive. Also, passing the gestational diabetes test!

Best Moment of the Week: On Tuesday it was 60+ degrees and sunny and Lexi had a break from dance and the kids road bikes and we grilled and it was awesome and I can’t wait for the summer!

Sibling talk: Lexi and I were reading her Minnie Mouse books and she was looking at some other princess books. She stops, puts her hand on my arm and goes, “mom, I have a great idea, we can get these new princess books for the new baby and then we can trade princess and Minnie Mouse books, wouldn’t that be a good idea?”



Baby #3, Uncategorized

Baby #3 24 Weeks

Size of baby: You are approximately the size of an ear of corn (8.5 inches long and 1.5lbs) Your brain activity is close to that of a newborn and your face is fully formed with eyelashes, eyebrows and hair.

baby bump 3 24 weeks

The Bump: Steady growth! It is definitely firm now and am curious if I’ll get any stretch marks this time around. Shaving and bending over is getting a little more tricky. Also, my jacket is getting harder to zip up-hopefully, I can put it away for the season in a couple of weeks!
Cravings/Aversions: Sweets! However, I’ve cut them out of my diet for the past several days knowing I have my glucose test this week. I’ve been chewing gum and eating craisins, nuts and chewing gum as a substitute. It hasn’t been terrible, but I can’t wait for the test to be over and (hopefully!) go back to eating them again–especially since I bought some Girl Scout Cookies!
What I’m loving: Getting stuff done! We bought Lexi’s new bike this week, I ordered new curtains for the big kid’s room, ordered some fabric to make some valences for the kitchen and dinning room and daddy continues to make progress with the bunk beds!
What I’m anticipating:  Warm Sunshine, whats new? Getting this glucose test over with and getting my hair done tonight!
Miss anything? Sweets!
Worries? Honestly, my biggest worry right now is work. With my boss, my co-worker and I all being pregnant/due within a couple months of each other, I’m worried about what they are going to do for coverage as we don’t have anyone else on our team. There is a lot to learn and a pretty busy time to cover and each passing week is less time to on-board someone.
Differences between pregnancies? With Lexi, we were in Vail photographing a wedding and I ended up in the hospital and cutting the trip short with some kidney issues. With William, it feels pretty similar to this pregnancy. Apparently I was still sleeping on my stomach (although I had reported earlier that I wasn’t). The strength of your kicks and punches also grew with William, which I’m experiencing right now as well.
How I’m feeling: Breathing is a little more challenging. I often find myself sitting at my desk short of breath.
Sleep: This is up and down. I’ll have good nights and bad nights. I’ve transitioning to putting a pillow between my legs now to make sleep a little more comfortable, but this always causes challenges when rolling over in the middle of the night. Most of the time, I can fall back asleep right away, but I’m back to waking up around 5:30 in the morning and being wide awake.
Movement: So much. It is crazy how active you get after I eat. It feels like you’re riding a roller-coaster inside my belly.
Boy or Girl: Sweet little girl!
Milestones: 6 months down, 4 to go!
Best Moment of the Week: Watching Lexi ride her new big girl bike. She jumped right on and we’re working on peddling with the balls of her feet (verses the arches), turning and using the brakes. Hopefully, we’ll take the training wheels off in a week or two!
Sibling Talk: Lexi talks about you daily. She is growing out of some of her clothes and tells me ‘I’ve got a great idea, we can save these clothes for the new baby’. She is also very curious where you are going to sleep. This morning, she was talking about fireworks and was asking, who is going to watch the new baby while we watch fireworks, because fireworks are too loud for the new baby. I told her, I would probably stay with the new baby, in which she responded ‘oh right, you can watch them from the window’.

Baby #3 23 Weeks

Little Nugs,

Another pretty uneventful week, and I would like to keep it that way! Next week, I have another doctor appointment and need to take my glucose test, so I’m going to need to cut sugar out of my diet for a couple days, which is kind of terrifying!

Size of baby: According to the app, you are the size of a papaya which is about 1.2 lbs
The Bump: No big changes from last week, I feel like it is a decent size, but others tell me they can barely tell I have a bump. Also, it totally depends on the shirt. See below. The first pictures are wearing a regular shirt and the second pictures are wearing a maternity shirt. Same day.
baby bump 3 23 weeks


Cravings/Aversions: Loving all things sweets! Easter candy has not been helping with this. Avoiding most chocolate sweets as I get heartburn from them, but loving all the different kinds of Jelly Beans, Nerd jelly beans being my favorite! Overall, I just don’t have a huge appetite. There have been several nights over the past week where I just don’t eat dinner because I already feel full!
What I’m loving: Feeling pretty normal. Knock on wood, but I feel like I have finally kicked the bug I’ve been fighting since November! Energy levels are coming back up. I can easily stay up past 9:00 these days and feeling a little more optimistic about life.
What I’m anticipating: Still can’t wait for the weather to warm up. We had a slight set-back this past weekend with a little snow, which your siblings loved! We also have a lot of fun things coming up this spring/early summer that I think will make time fly by! There have also been some exciting changes at work that I’m pretty excited about!
Miss anything? Not really.
Worries? not really!
Differences between pregnancies? No post for Lexi this week and with William, we had just had our ultrasound. He was also positioned with his spine against my belly so feeling lots of movement inside, similar to you!
How I’m feeling: No complaints.
Sleep: Great! Falling asleep quickly and staying asleep the whole night, with the exception of needing to re-position a couple of times, but fall asleep instantly. Also sleeping until my alarm goes off, so the early wake-ups must have been a fluke!
Movement: I’m sure you’re siblings moved as much as you do, but I do not remember this much movement. You love to dance sweet girl!
Boy or Girl: Sweet baby GIRL!!! No name yet and I’m still thinking we’ll wait until you arrive. However, I was writing out some of our top names (like a 10th grader) to see how they looked next to the other kids names and with our last name, and discovered one of my top two names may not work anymore. Still really like that name, but it just may not be a good fit for our family 😦
Milestones: Daddy put together a plan for the big kid’s bunk beds and bought the materials and has started to work on putting them together! I’m pumped!!
Baby #3, Pregnancy Updates

Baby #3 22 Weeks

To my third baby,
This has been a pretty uneventful week, which is a good thing. Outside of the typical chaos of our house, I spent my time anticipating the warm weather we are on the verge of. I don’t think I’ve ever been more ready for warm weather, and this winter wasn’t even bad. I think I’m just excited to be outside with Lexi and William as they are a year older this year, which means they will be that much more capable of doing more activities. Also, that means we’re that much closer to meeting you!
Size of baby: According to the app, you now weigh about 1 lbs. Your vision, hearing and sense of touch are getting stronger. You can hear my voice, heartbeat and all those nice digestion noises.
The Bump: It feels bigger than it looks. It feels heavy and like I’m 36 weeks along, which is a scary thought because I have a long ways to go until I’m there. I think I’ve had a couple of Braxton Hicks contractions, but still too early to tell.
baby bump 3 22 weeks
Cravings/Aversions: No real cravings, but nothing really sounds good either. Still get pretty full after lunch and don’t eat a whole lot more after that. I usually want a soda most days BUT I’m sustaining some will power on this one, especially because I usually can’t finish it. I typically just want a couple sips and then I’m good.
What I’m loving: I really love knowing your gender. I have my eye on this adorable little dress for you to wear to your auntie Becca’s wedding this summer and just have fun daydreaming about what kind of personality will you have. Will you be more of a tomboy or will you be really girly? Will you love pink or will you really dislike it. Lexi is really into princesses right now, but was never a big baby or dolly kid and William for sure wasn’t, will you?
What I’m anticipating: Warm weather so much! I can’t wait to leave the house regularly without jackets and be able to walk outside in my bare feet and wear shorts and tank tops! Also, Daddy made some good progress on putting together a bedroom plan for the big kids so I’m really looking forward to getting that project started!
Miss anything? Not really.
Worries? not really!
Differences between pregnancies? No post for Lexi this week and with William, we were STILL in Hawaii. At this point, I wasn’t able to sleep on my stomach and starting to feel lots of movement.
How I’m feeling: Pretty good! My patience is paper thin but physically, I’m feeling pretty good.
Sleep: Pretty good. Still able to sleep on my stomach/side and fall asleep pretty quickly and stay sleeping most of the night. However, I am waking up on my own around 5:45 to 6:00 most mornings. I feel like this is my body’s way of saying get your butt out of bed and go work out, but I haven’t acted on that yet.
Movement: Lots! You are the first baby where I’ve woken up in the middle of the night because of your movement. Also Lexi was able to feel your little dancing moves for the first time. Here eyes got wide and then she ran over to daddy and said, ‘Daddy, I just felt me little sister kick. Isn’t that silly?’
Boy or Girl: Sweet baby GIRL!!!!
Milestones: We made the official decision on which preschool Lexi will be going to next year. Feels good to have something set in stone!
Sibling Talk: Lexi is just so excited for you! She loves to tell everyone that she is going to be a big sister and her mommy has a baby in her tummy. She told the Dr. when we were in for well check appointments, she told the man bagging our groceries an the person where we were registering for preschool.
We also talked about how you are ‘swimming’ inside my belly, which sparked lots of questions: Can she float? How does she breath? Does she know how to do scoop and kicks like me?

Big Brother William

Dear William,

You are going to be a BIG brother to a little sister!! A middle child. I’m kind of at a loss for words for you and haven’t quite figured out how you’re going to respond to this major life change yet, both for when the baby arrives and the impact it will make as you grow.


When your baby sister arrives, you’ll be just short of 2.5 (assuming everything goes to plan), which is just a tinch older than Lexi was when you were born.


When you were born, I felt the transition was pretty challenging. Lexi constantly wanted/needed my attention and was intentionally naughty. As a result, I didn’t get to snuggle you as much as I would have liked. I can see you behaving similar to Lexi, pushing boundaries while looking at me and doing something you know is naughty but doing it anyways. On the other hand, I’m hoping Lexi will help keep you entertained and being able to play outside will make this initial transition a little less painful.

I have no clue how you are going to respond to the baby itself. You are very cuddly and affectionate with Daddy and I, always giving us hugs and kisses and wanting to snuggle on the couch or before bedtime and when you wake up. However, I’ve never seen you pick up one of Lexi’s babies or show any kind of nurturing behavior. You’re rough and touch and love to run and play with balls and push trucks around. I could see you being a little rough with the baby and wanting me to ‘send her back to the hospital’ as Lexi used to say but then part of me thinks you could really surprise me and be sweet and love to rock her and give her kisses. Time will tell.

As you grow, you’ll have so many important roles that you get to fill. You get to be a little brother to Lexi, yet also a Big Brother to your new sister and all of the fun things that come along with that. You and Lexi are the best of friends right now and love to play together. It will be interesting if you become the ‘pesky little brother’ as the years go on or if you two remain tight. You also get to watch out for your little sister and make sure nobody messes with her.


My dear boy, this also means you are becoming the middle child. As a middle child myself and the deprivation i endured (semi-kidding here) I’m going to do my best to make sure you don’t feel left out or over-shadowed by your big and little sis. I do think that being our only boy will really help this. You’ll get to do special things that the girls won’t likely do. And carrying on the family name (both of your grandpas and the last name) kind of puts you into your own playing field. Oh my sweet curly-haired William, your daddy and I love you so much and are constantly laughing and smiling at every funny (and naughty) thing you do. I’m so excited to watch you grow and adapt over the next year and pray there are more moments filled with laughter than tears.





Big Big Sister Lexi

My Big Little Lexi,

You are going to be a big sister, again. This time you’re getting a little sister!

First of all, let’s talk about the notion of sisters. They are truly the best! As you grow up and develop friendships, I’m hoping that none will truly ever compare to the one with your sister. I pray you two will share a special bond that I believe is indescribable. Speaking from experience, there is something so comforting about talking to your sister when something terrible has happened, you’re scared, need advice or you’re thrilled beyond words. She is one of the few (perhaps only) person that can even come close to understanding how you feel. Growing up, you’ll have experienced the same memories, have inside jokes, understand the weird family quirks we have or truly how much trouble you’re really going to be in when mom and dad find out what you did. I pray that you two are close and share the same set of values and will always be there for each other in ways that I can’t be. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are going to be moments growing up where you are so angry at each other you spit in each other’s face (when you get older, I’ll share that fun little story in mine and Auntie Sheila’s relationship) but, I also pray that I’ll be able to teach you forgiveness so you’re able to carry on the next day as if nothing happened. Given that you will be 4 1/2 years apart, I’m so excited to watch how your relationship grows and evolves throughout your lifetime.

Second, let’s talk about how different becoming a big sister will be as a 4 1/2 year old than as a 2 year old. This time around, I think you are going to be really helpful verses disruptive (you’ll leave that task to William). I can see you regularly requesting to hold her, sing songs and read books to her and help get bottles or diapers for me. I also have a feeling you’re going to love bossing your brother around and telling him what he can and can’t do with her.

Upon sharing the news with you that I had a baby growing in my belly, you were pretty indifferent and didn’t really react, just went about your regular business of playing with Squinkies. However, as we have talked more, you have shown much more interest in the baby and are pretty protective of the baby and of your mommy.

If William is climbing on me or tackling me, you’re quick to tell him, be careful, there is a baby in mommy’s tummy and you’ll hurt it. The other day, I was putting your ice skates and you kept telling me to be careful so I wouldn’t cut the baby with the blades.You also like to boss William around and tell him that when the baby comes, you’re going to go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house for awhile, but it’s OK, you don’t have to be scared, she will bring us to the hospital to visit mommy and daddy. You also love to randomly come up to my belly and rub your nose against it and tell me you’re nuzzling the baby.

Although the questions aren’t as frequent, here are a some of your favorite questions to ask: How does the baby come out? Where does the baby come out of? How did the Baby get in there?  How big is the baby? Will the baby be able to talk? What will happen to my Squinkies and Shopkins–will the baby try to eat them? Where will the baby sleep? How do they know if it is a boy or a girl?

Prior to finding out the baby’s gender, you were 100% positive this baby was a girl and only refer to it as a ‘she’ and ‘her’. I told you many times, we don’t know if this baby is a boy or a girl yet, and we’re just going to have to wait and see. Occasionally, after you catch yourself saying ‘she’ you’ll repeat the little phrase back to me verbatim. ‘Well, we don’t know if the baby is a girl or a boy yet, we’re just going to have to wait and see’

When we did decide to find out the gender,  you played a pretty big role. We were driving home from school, I told you we could find out if the baby was a boy or a girl when we got home. You came tearing into the house and yelled, ‘Daddy, we get to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl’ and started going through the mail. I helped you identify the correct envelope and you started opening it right away. We ran upstairs so Daddy could be with us. You opened it and saw the words and kind of went silent. You helped identify the letter ‘G’ and when you connected the dots that girl starts with G, you got very giddy and announced that you are going to help give the baby bottles, but not change the poopy diapers.

Oh Lexi, you are going to be an excellent big sister to William and the new baby. You are sweet, kind, helpful, generous, thoughtful, protective and honest. Your sweet but honest demeanor are going to be great qualities and make you a wonderful role model to these two little ones. You love to follow the rules and let others know when they aren’t, love to play with your brother and are a great helper to mommy and daddy. I couldn’t have picked a better big sister to your little brother and sister and am so excited to watch you grow over the next year.




Baby #3 21 Weeks

Size of baby: According to the app, you now measure 11-12 inches or about the size of a cantaloupe. They change from head to butt and now measure from head to foot. You’re taste buds are developing so I need to be sure to eat lots of veggies!
The Bump: It is for sure a pregnant belly now verses a food belly! I’m already noticing it being heavy and feel like I waddle or have trouble moving around. Bending over, shaving and cooking are all being impacted by the bump.

IMG_7960 IMG_7961

Cravings/Aversions: Hard to believe, but these are pretty much gone. Still getting heartburn and I’ve identified chocolate as one of the culprits. I’m pretty hungry in the morning/lunch, but could just snack for dinner and then not hungry at all in the evenings. Soda has been upsetting my stomach so I’m moving away from that.
What I’m loving: Movement!! So much movement, but more on that below. Also loving the little growth spurt my belly is going through. I legitimately feel like I can look pregnant if I want to. Also, loving that I can still hide it too.
What I’m anticipating: Warm weather. Temperatures are decent (around 30-40 degrees), which is pretty great for the beginning of March, but bring on the warm sun! I’ve also caught myself thinking about the actual birth a bit more this past week. I really want to make it past July 15th (two days after my due date). One because of the bonus at work and two, because I want two full weeks at home with your big brother and sister before you arrive. However, I’ve feel like you’re going to end up breech and I’ll have a scheduled c-section early or you’re just going to come early and disrupt my plans. 🙂
Miss anything? Energy, but same old same old there.
Worries? not really!
Differences between pregnancies? No post for Lexi this month and with William, we were in Hawaii, I didn’t talk at all about any pregnancy related stuff, just how the trip was going.
How I’m feeling: I’m continuing to feel much better! I haven’t been sick in almost 2 weeks and officially feel like I’m over ‘the hump’. I’m still rocking a pretty good cough and spitting up a lot of stuff (Daddy likes to tease me that I’m a truck driver) but just trying to get all that crud out of my system.
Sleep: Pretty good. Still able to sleep on my stomach/side and fall asleep pretty quickly and stay sleeping most of the night. There have been a couple of occasions where I woke up early in the morning and wasn’t able to fall back asleep. Overall, most mornings I wake up feeling rested.
Movement: What a change from last week. I feel you moving around all the time and it is amazing! Yesterday morning, I even felt you move from the outside so I’m really looking forward to Lexi being able to feel that.
Boy or Girl: Sweet baby GIRL!!!!
Milestones: Getting over the hump of the pregnancy sickness
Best Moment of the Week: You’re big brother turned 2 this week and we had so much fun celebrating!
Sibling Talk: William is still clueless. I told him there was a baby in my belly and pointed to it and then he lifted his shirt and said ‘Baby in William’s belly’. Lexi still loves to call you Gunther or Gertrude and regularly nuzzles her nose against my belly.