Kate, Lexi, William

It’s so much more than a chair

I’m oddly attached to this $200 recliner wrapped in cheap synthetic ‘leather’. When I found out I was pregnant with Lexi, I knew I wanted a recliner that could rock and recline in verses a traditional rocking chair or glider. We spent a lot of time looking but had a hard time finding something that wasn’t super expensive and that also didn’t take up a huge footprint.

Low and behold, Menards had something. Daddy wasn’t sold on it at first. He was worried that it would get moved to a different location once we were done with it and it wasn’t the most aesthetically pleasing piece of furniture. I assured him that I would get rid of it when the kids were old enough and didn’t need it anymore.


rocking chair 3Just as Kate was about to be born, we started to notice some cracking and flaking near the head rest and the ‘leather’ quickly started to peel away. The spots grew bigger and bigger over the year, but for the most part we were able to cover it with a blanket. Around her first birthday, the seat cushion started to do the same thing. Little pieces of brown fabric were everywhere and it was driving me insane.

When I thought about getting rid of the chair, my eyes would puddle up. How can I get rid of something that has provided me with so much comfort and nurturing.

rocking chair 2rocking chair 5I vividly remember holding Lexi’s warm 10-day-old little body against my chest feeling her short little breaths tickle my skin while we rocked. And I thought, how could I possibly ever let her go to school? She was a mere 10 days old, when 20 six and seven year old kids were shot to death at school. The innocence of those children, the fear they must have had and lack of knowledge they had to know what to do. And don’t even get me started on their parents. I couldn’t. How could I ever let my heart walk out of my body and know there was a chance that something so horrific could possibly happen. So, I held your sweet, innocent little body next to mine and we rocked. And I prayed, a lot. And I still do today.rocking chair 1Every single night, for 5 years, i sat in that chair and nursed my babies, read stories and sang twinkle twinkle and snuggled for sometime hours on end while they fell asleep in my arms. I can still feel our two little bodies smushed between the arms, wiggling around to get comfortable. There were many nights that I slept the entire night in the chair with the kids to ensure they got some sleep while they were under the weather.rocking chair 4

So while I rationally know it is just a chair. It is so much more. It became a place of comfort for myself and the kids. It enabled memories to be created and bonds to grow.

So long chair.









Kate, Kate monthly posts

Kate 15 Months

Dear Katers,

You have established one of the best laughs I have ever heard. It sounds like a machine gun but in the funniest way possible. People hear it, stop what they are doing to look or comment because it is so funny and it just makes everyone want to smile and laugh too. It is so awesome.

And it has really helped to have something to smile and laugh about this month as it was a tough one. Your Great Grandma T. passed away this month. You didn’t get to know her very well, but she was joyful, accepting, giving, kind, loved being around people and laughing and was always so grateful for everything she had. She touched so many people’s lives and we are all going to miss her a lot. I have no doubt she will continue to watch over you and bless you with some of her wonderful traits.


Thankfully, we were able to get out on Papa’s boat two times this month to relax and enjoy some good quality time together despite all of the sadness of Grandma T. You absolutely loved just sitting in the sand filling your bucket as the water gently washed over your toys. I was very surprised that you never tried to eat the sand but were very content just playing around. You also do this amazing thing of taking a nap on the boat. We lay you down on one of the seats, give you your paci and bunny and put a little blanket over the top of the chair to make a little tent, turn the sound machine on, and you fall right asleep among everyone else moving and chatting around you. Remarkable. neither Lexi or William would have ever done that.




Other development notes:

  • You now wave your hand side-to-side instead of wiggling your fingers
  • You officially learned to walk this month and quick crawling
  • You guzzle milk in a sippy cup like a crazy woman. Seriously, girl. You love it.
  • You discovered how to open drawers and cupboards this month and it is a new favorite pastime. You love to take out every cup, bowl and plate we have and leave them all over the kitchen/living room. Occasionally, you’ll put them back in, but most of the time you just like to take things out. You also LOVE to go into my drawer in the bathroom and play with my bobby pins, clips, deodorant, makeup, face lotion, traveling size Listerine bottle, and toothpaste. It is rare to find you without a tube of toothpaste sticking outside of your mouth. (the cap is on).
  • You’ve pretty much quick doing any kind of baby sign and will just grunt like crazy when you want something.
  • We kind of took your paci away this month. You’ve always only ever had it when you sleep and we started to not give it to you during naps, but then you’ll be really crabby and we give it to you, so that is more on us about being consistent.

I think it is amazing at how much you look like Lexi and William. You have the same complexion and face shape as Lexi, but you have William’s big eyes, and I think you are going to be more similar to William from a personality standpoint, but we will see.


Another big thing that happened this month was Lexi began kindergarten and William started preschool. You and William have much more time together and it is fun to watch how your relationship has evolved. He loves being big brother and trying to teach you how to play in the way that Lexi has taught him to play. It is also a different dynamic to for you to just be home with Daddy while he is at school. Dada says your kind of a lost puppy with out the big kids there to follow around and you need much more attention.

Happy 15 months big girl. Another month in the books. So crazy to think that in 9 months you’ll be two and will be talking and MAYBE, just MAYBE even ready to potty-train!?!?!

Love you sweet girl,



William’s first Day of Preschool


I was pretty nervous for you leading up to this day. Between the three of you kids, you are my more shy, reserved homebody. While you love to play with your sister and like to be around other kids, you don’t necessarily play with them. You prefer to often play by yourself when we are with other kids. You don’t speak up when you’re around other adults and nothing makes you happier than being at home in your pajamas. Additionally, you really haven’t been away from Mom or Dad since Kate was born 15 months ago so you have become really accustomed to being at home, staying in your jimmies all day and not having a regular school-type routine.


Last week, we attended your open house and while quiet, you didn’t seem too scared or nervous. I think it helps you are going to the same school as Lexi and are even in the same room that she was. I also bought you a couple new shirts and some awesome new green shoes to wear to help generate some excitement for you.

I hope this year you’re able to become a little more outgoing and start to learn more of your numbers and letters. You love to count and know all your colors and shapes but identifying numbers and letters isn’t something we have ventured too far into–nor have you shown any interest in learning about those things.

Happy first day of school buddy!




Lexi’s First Day of Kindergarten

Dear Lexi,

Today is your first day of kindergarten and the beginning of a whole new phase of life for us. Carpool lanes and birthday parties and after-school activities and friends and playdates and packing lunches and early morning and a fairly regular routine.

You are attending a private school, St. Vincent De Paul and start at 7:30 in the morning (holy cow!) and finish at 1:35. You wear a cute little uniform. While we were picking them out, you told me ‘I would just prefer dresses mom’. I don’t like the pants or those blue shirts–they look like clothes that boys wear. So you have a couple of dresses and a couple of skirts with cute peter pan white collard shirts.


With the early start time, we’ve slowly been transitioning you to earlier bedtimes in the week leading up to this. Last night, everything went smoothly and you were sleeping by 8:00, which helped you naturally wake up around 6:30 this morning.

Yesterday, you requested to have a donut for breakfast since it was a special morning and you ate that while you watched Doc McStuffins and I put in a headband braid (princess hair as you like to call it).

You showed very little nerves and even said, ‘I can’t believe this is my first day of kindergarten today’. Leading up to this morning you had been telling you me you were a little nervous and the previous night were pretty upset about going to school as you were going to miss playing with your brother and were worried about missing out on what Daddy, William and Kate would be doing without you. To help keep your nervous at bay, I bought you some bracelets and deemed them as ‘Brave Bracelets’ so when you were feeling a little nervous about something, these bracelets would help you be brave. You were so excited by this. You did something in the Laundry room that you said would have normally made you nervous and came back to me and said ‘Mom, they really work. I wasn’t even scared when I touched the pointy thing in the laundry room’


We also started a new tradition last night and the night before school starts, we’ll have ice cream for dinner. The original plan was to go to the ice cream factory, but it was closed so we went to DQ and you had your first Blizzard.

Daddy also spent a lot of time creating a pretty awesome sign for you last night to remember all things YOU when you started Kindergarten. We got pictures of it this morning and then headed out the door.

You chatted nervously in the car asking me if I remember what my first day of kindergarten was like and if I was scared or how did I feel. We talked about how you could choose to eat carrots or apple slices for your snack and then you had your beloved Chicken Wild Rice Soup for lunch, crackers and cookies from Grandma.


When we arrived, you grabbed my hand and confidently walked into school (while I fought back the tears), found your locker, grabbed your headphones and folder and brought it into your class. You put your headphones in your cubby, handed your folder to Mrs. Burke and found your name tag, gave me a quick hug and then began coloring.

Following drop-off, mommy went to the annual ‘Boo-Hoo breakfast’ that your school holds for new families. I got to meet a couple of the other parents and learn more about the school schedule, important dates to know about and have a moment to decompress my emotions a bit.

The day went by quick and the whole family came to pick you up. You didn’t share a whole lot, but said you had a great day.



The beginning of school days

Dear Bugs,

My sweet girl, as your enter your first day on kindergarten, we are both a bottle of emotions. You keep telling me, ‘I’m excited. But I’m a little nervous. But Mom, it’s ok to be a little nervous. Everyone is a little nervous on their first day of school’

In some moments, you are so wise beyond your 5 short little years, Lexi, and I’m so proud of the little girl you have become and for you to enter this next exciting phase of life. I have spent a lot of time praying about you. I’m less worried about this specific year as I know you are going to do amazing, but more worried about what is to come in this next phase of ‘school age kids’. There is so much to be excited for. This year you’ll start to make ‘real friends’ that you have picked out because you ‘click’ or have similar interests not because you live next door to them or I am friends with their parents. These are kids that you may be friends with for the rest of your life. This year, you are going to learn to read and how to do math, and go to gym class and music class and attend birthday parties.

Even with all the exciting things that are to come, there are also many things the scare the daylights out of me, like school shootings and being bullied or becoming a bully or trying to hard to fit in or make friends. So I have spent a lot of time praying for you not only this year but this next phase of life.

I pray that you are confident yet humble, adventurous yet cautious, strong yet empathetic, kind-hearted yet determined, spontaneous yet reliable, a leader yet respectful, hardworking yet imaginative, courageous yet adaptable, friendly yet forgiving and above all Happy.

I pray that Daddy and I are always a safe place for you, that we have and will continue to provide you with strong morals, values and that you continue to let Jesus be a part of your life and help guide you all the tough things in life.

And with that, I leave you with a little quote by a wise, wise man.

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.  —-Dr. Seuss

