
William 21 Months

Dear William,

The month started with Halloween. Although you were physically present for Halloween last year, his is kind of your first official one as you were able to go Trick or Treating. You got your first taste of it as we went to the ZooBoo! We walked through the zoo and there were lots of volunteers dressed up and companies handing out treats. You had a death grip on your pumpkin and wouldn’t let go of it for anything. Then on actual Halloween, you and sister dressed up as the cutest Micky and Minnie Mouse there ever was. (side note: your hat arrived in the mail that day–even though I had ordered it two weeks prior, made me sweat a bit!). At first, you were a little unsure of what to do, but big sister showed you ropes and you got the hang of ‘Trick or Treat’ and ‘Tank ow’ after a couple houses. Originally, the plan was to go around the block and drop you off with Daddy, however, as we were cutting through the yard, you were yelling ‘No home, no daddy’. We got in the house and you continued to throw a tantrum so we put on your boots (it was drizzly and everyone’s shoes were soaking!) and you came back out with Mommy and Lexi to continue trick or treating. You had the time of your life! You were so polite saying ‘Thank you’ after each house and loved the candy. You also really loved jumping off everyone’s steps. You would say ‘jump’ and then step down one foot at a time and giggle.

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November was unseasonably warm (like 70 degrees several days!). We had lots of fun playing cars, having bonfires and even a picnic in the backyard in bare feet. So crazy not to need shoes or even a winter jacket.

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One of the weekends, Grandma and Papa took Lexi to the cabin so it was just you mommy and daddy here for the weekend. You were lost without your partner in crime, but were extremely cuddly. Daddy and I weren’t feeling the greatest so we spent a lot of time on the couch and you would just climb up and snuggle in and stay there with us for 20-30 minutes. You’ve always been a little snuggler, but this weekend it was even more so and this mama ate it up.


Contrary to being super snuggly, you’re also pretty naughty. You regularly raise your voice and yell ‘No Mommy’ and swat your hand at me while stomping your feet. This usually lands you in a time out but it happens way to frequently in my opinion. There is lots of hitting and stomping that comes from that little body of yours and we need to teach out that it isn’t ok.

You’re very independent and want to do things on your own. When you do accomplish something your face lights up and yell ‘I did it!’ This happens when you turn off a light switch, take your shoe or sock off, stick two legos together, put toys away etc…

I mention this every month but your talking continues to improve. You are stringing more and more words together. ‘I did it’ ‘Com-on mama’ ‘i wuv you mama’ ‘no jammies’ ‘I do it’ ‘no da oder one’

Cars, trucks, planes are by far your favorite toys to play with and is pretty much the only thing you play with at school. Near the end of the month, it snowed a little and you loved playing in the snow and eating it. You like to dance and essentially just stomp one foot (i need to get this on video). You love to watch Thomas and Choo Choo Bob and Micky Mouse. You love to read the monsters book, Little Blue Truck, Trains and animals.


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IMG_7680 So crazy to think next month’s post will be on Christmas and I only have 3 more of these left for you. I love you so much my sweet William, Love, Mama IMG_7664




My Sweet Bug,

I don’t write to you nearly as often as I would like to and am going to make that a new resolution for myself. I have close to 10 drafts saved that I need to put pictures into and publish.

Three sweet stories that I want to share about what life with you is like at 3 years and 11 months!


You love to help make dinner and set the table. While you were helping set the table and I was putting food on, you had to go to the bathroom. You stopped, touched daddy on the arm and said ‘Daddy, will you watch my food for me? I’ve got to go potty. Don’t let Bood eat it. When I’m done we’re all going to sit down at the table and eat as a family’ You’re very into family activities–whether it is all riding in the car together, eating, playing outside etc… you want to do everything as a family.


Also, a few days ago, mama met you and daddy and William at a restaurant for dinner where we were also meeting several other friends. You were very concerned if I was going to meet you there or if you were going to meet me there. I’m astounded that you’re able to pick up on subtleties like that. Maybe that is common for kids your age, but it seems like a pretty small detail that you have picked up on. Anyways, as the night went on, William was getting tired and I was going to leave with him and you were going to stay with Daddy. As I’m getting ready to leave, you gently hold both of my cheeks between each of your hands, pull me close so we are nose to nose and whisper, ‘Thanks for joining us for dinner tonight mama. I’m going to miss you so much. I love you’ I just about melted onto the floor on your sweetness and attention to detail and picking up phrases mommy and daddy use. You are just too sweet my little bug.


One night, I went to check on you before I headed to bed and you weren’t in your room. I assumed you had crawled into our bed, but you weren’t there. And you weren’t in our bathroom or in my closet or anywhere in our bedroom. You weren’t on the couch in the loft of in your bathroom or even in William’s room. You weren’t in the living room and I began to panic. I thought someone had come into our house while I was here and took you. (I know, another one of your mom’s irrational thoughts) I came rushing down the stairs and started turning lights on, and then stopped as I saw your little candy cane pants sticking out. You had manauvered your way between the legs of the chair and table and used Giraffee as your pillow and were snoring away.

