Kate, Kate monthly posts

Kate 19 months

Dear Kate, 

This was a VERY uneventful month, and my lack of pictures are proof of that. I’ve got a bit of the January blues going on, but Florida is 1 month away so at least there is something to look forward to. 

Everyone had some icky colds this month. You got it twice. But, I’m convinced our usage of essential oils dramatically reduced the severity and length of our symptoms. So grateful I gave these things a try. 


Your top two eye teeth cut through the skin, and you were a hot mess for a couple of days with that, but now that those are through, our silly babbling little Katers is back. 


Your comprehension and vocab get a little better everyday. When we has you to stop, or to sit down or to give something back, you actually listen. 

Words: mama, dada, baby, hot, please, sis-a, bro-a, wow, NO, yeah, up, baa (ball) (and I’m sure there are more that I can’t remember. But your favorite is Poop. Your big siblings ask you to say it all the time and you happily oblige. 

You had your first-ish experience with snow this month and you weren’t too impressed. 


You love to push your baby in the stroller, read books, get into whatever your brother and sister are playing, eat, snuggle with bunny, wear sunglasses, carry things from one part of the house and deposit them in another location, wearing footie jammies (you call them mammies), roll oils on your chest and make your brother and sister laugh. 

You hate baths. Like really hate them a lot–particularly washing up. You refuse to lay down or have a major freak out if we poor water on your head. 



