Day to Day

Turning point

Dear Kiddos,

I think we are rounding a turning point in these little kid years. By no mean are we out of them with the multiple tantrums that Kate throws down on the regular. But, for several weeks I’ve noticed how much more independent you all are and what that unlocks for me.

For a long time, I didn’t feel capable of getting anything more than grocery shopping and laundry accomplished on a weekend. I may have picked up a little bit, but rarely did I actually clean something or even get the laundry put away. I was kept so busy feeding you kids, changing diapers, making sure you weren’t getting into things or just picking up everything you had spewed throughout the house. Although I was always busy and rarely sat down–it never looked like I had accomplished much. And I was tired. all. the. time.

However, over the last few weeks, I’ve noticed a change. Not only can I get the laundry washed, you will help sort it and put it away in closets. I can easily get to the grocery store and often get to go by myself, which is such a treat. I have actually showered several times before you go to bed, which is amazing. Today, I cleaned two bathrooms, made two meals, got snacks prepped for the week, went on a walk with Kate, gave all three of you kids baths and chatted with the neighbors while you played outside. There was one day that I even painted my nails while you were awake.


I tell you, truly life-shattering moments over here. But, after years of dedicating nearly every waking hour I am at home with you, to you, it is really refreshing and exciting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. To see that I will be capable of accomplishing the ‘must do’ chores faster and allow myself a little more time to do things that I’ve put on the back burner for far too long like reading a book or watching a TV show or spending a little more time here writing to each of you.

Cheers to the future.




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